Sunday, November 20, 2011

Brushed Aside

Sometimes I think that the month of November is rushed through. People start listening to Christmas music (don't even get me started on that one. I kinda, sorta have a little tiny bit of a firm rule about that. But don't worry. If I happen to get in your car while you are listening to a silly radio station that is commercializing the Christmas season and hoping to make an extra buck by playing Christmas songs an entire month early, I won't hurt you..... too bad..... if you run fast), rushing to get all their shopping in, counting the days (or sometimes even shopping days) until Christmas, planning all the parties for December, start baking or planning what they will bake, and on it goes. It seems they not only forget that there is such a thing as November but they also forget what November is all about.So there's something that I randomly did in the month of October (very randomly) and have decided to do every day in the month of November. In a happy notebook (covered with snoopy, a rainbow, and a flower with the words "dream big" on it), I've started recording what I like to call "Smiles from God."

You know, those sometimes little things in life that we often think, "Aww, that's cool. It makes me smile." Those sometimes bigger things in life that we often think, "Wow, I've never seen that happen." Or even those sometimes middle things in life we often think, "That was neat. Don't see that too much."

Did you ever think that these things are God's way of cheering you up, letting you know that He was in control, or simply telling you to stop being so stubborn and negative and start to be thankful for the little things?
And so for the month of November, I'm going to be writing something everyday that I am, or should be, thankful for.

Here's my completely random list from October to help me illustrate my point (hopefully now that I'm going at this hard core, I'll be more organized about it..... doubtful)

10-11-11~ Free coffee at 3 Coffee & Roastery. [Thanks Ben.]

10-19-11~ Lovely lady telling me I always look put together on a day that, well, let's just say I don't feel "put together." [sometimes that feels like everyday.]
10-22-11~ Dollar found next to my lost phone at the park. [no, not my dollar. That'll teach me to complain about loosing my phone again.] 10-28-11 ~ That awesome moment with a friend when you shout the same thing with the same tone and then burst out laughing and realize how neat it is that you both geek out about the same things. [like finding a store in a big city after looking for it in the wrong spot for 15 minutes and then deciding to move on to the next store only to find the one you were looking for is right next door.]

10-26-11~ A snow day with my mom, just chilling by the fire. [I love my mommy and doing nothing with her.] 10-27-11~ Finally bringing my car into the shop for an oil change -nervous about the cost- and with coupons and bringing my own oil- end up paying only $9.00. [less than half of what I thought it would cost]

Told you it was random. I'll probably post another blog about this maybe at the end of November, beginning of December. I'm sure my "smiles" will be so random as to be amusing.

And you know it's kinda funny. Mike mentioned something a few Sundays ago about how we see God's "Mercies Anew" and how that played out practically in our lives. I guess this is my answer to that question... and I even thought of it before he talked about it.

You should join me.

