2. I love puppy chow (muddy buddies) and won’t share it (God and I are working on that).
3. I like photography.
4. I LOVE my nieces and nephew and think it's about time I had some more (hint, hint). ;)
6. I LOVE my puppy, Saabreen, who is the cutest thing since... well... since....she's just super cute, okay?!
7. God ain’t finished with me yet.
8. I like pink. But just a little bit.
9. I love the smell of old books.
10. I like photography (yes, I am well aware of the fact that this is put up twice.)
11. I like old postcards with writing you can’t even read.
12. I have slight addiction to shoes, handbags, scarves, and jewelry.
15. I believe in happy endings- ‘cause I already know the ending.
16. I don’t like dark chocolate- it’s gross. So is white chocolate.17. I have LDL (Low Delight Level) and ADOS (Attention Def...Oh, Shiny.)
18. I get multiple songs stuck in my head at the same time and then end up combining them into really annoying songs that seem to have no ending.
19. I get really passionate about some things- ask my mother.
20. I'm into the whole Vintage/Romantic style right now.
21. I just couldn't leave this at a typical number like twenty (and am apparently not OCD).
22. My goal in life is simple- but complex- and hard- and impossible to attain. I want to KNOW God. I mean really know Him.
23. I’m just me- I am who I am- but thank goodness God is changing that.