Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bucket List

Did you know that a bucket list will tell you a whole heap of things about a person? It's kinda like reading the secret journal of a dreamer.

So I've been saying, "that's on my bucket list" a lot lately and got to thinking.... do I actually know everything that's on my bucket list? Hence the reason why I've decided to write a blog with most of my bucket list on it. Perhaps it's something like new years resolutions of sorts. Or maybe it's just because I like to dream. Or maybe it's just me being the little old weirdo me. I'm sure it's not complete and will most likely change or grow in the next 2 hours, but at least I have most of it written down now. And by the way, they aren't in order of doing them.....


1- Go skydiving at least once.
2- Bungee jump from a bridge.
3- Visit Ireland or Scotland with a "model" and my camera.
4- Visit Australia for the accent.
5- Go inside Big Ben.
6- Get something(s) from Tiffany and Co.
7- Eat a pastry at a small outdoor cafe in France while wearing a french scarf and boots.
8- Fly (or co-pilot) a plane.
9- Ride in a private jet with the ginormous seats.
10- Drive a Z3 or Z4.
11- Drive over 100 mph for more than 5 minutes.
12- Learn to ski.
13- Learn a "Jane-Austinish" dance.
14- Stay in an English cottage for a week.
15- Go to a concert (such as a Buble', Groban, Steven Sharp Nelson, etc.)
16- A secret one. (Hey- everybody has to have at least 3 secret bucket list items that they don't share with everyone.)
17- Have my own photography business. (like with an actual studio and building)
18- Learn the cello.
19- Drive/ride on a fire truck.
20- Ride an elephant.
21- Go hand gliding.
22- Visit an orphanage in Africa.
23- Climb to the top of the fire ladder.
24- Learn sign language.
25- Film a (mock) music video in a field of wild flowers.
26- Another secret one.
27- Jump on a moving train.
28- Go on a cruise.
29- Name a star after me.
30- Do a newborn photography shoot.
31- Be in the delivery room when my future niece or nephew is being born.
32- Go on a missionary trip out of the United States.
33- Teach a photography class.34- Spend the day with a trained chimpanzee as my companion.
35- Win a photography contest.
36- Go to a Beth Moore Seminar.
37- Go to a Broadway show.
38- Have a photo shoot with an old row boat. (rather Anne of Green Gable-ish)
39- Another one of those secret ones. (like I said- 3 or so per bucket list)
40- Adopt from another country.
41- Ring the bells in an old church.
42- Develop film in a dark room.
43- Go to the moon (or outer space- far enough to see the earth and then turn off the gravity thing and float ;)).
44- Highlight my hair with an outrageous color.
45- Have a plaque put on the pole I knocked down.
46- Meet someone famous. (like my cello hero- Steven Sharp Nelson)
47- Buy a house.
48- Have a closet just for shoes.
49- Write a complete novel or devotional.
50- Listen to Chuck Swindoll preach in person.
51- Have a song dedicated to me.
52- Learn to drive stick.
53- Shoot a gun.
54- Meet Nick Vujicic. (If you haven't heard of him- you should look him up.)
55- Ride on the back of a motorcycle.
56- Visit an island with a private beach just for me.
57- Get in a cab and yell "follow that car!"
58- Ride in a hot air balloon
59- Be in a flash mob.
60- Have these words written on my headstone: "Beloved daughter, compassionate sister, adoring aunt, and devoted friend. Who loved her God first with all her heart, lived her life with the excitement of a puppy, and saw the world through a camera lens."

61- GET A PUPPY- yeah, the one with the goofy grin. No, the other goofy grin. (who is currently alternating between trying to help me type things out and licking my face-probably because I just had a candy cane- and snoring and twitching in her sleep)
62- Try "exotic" food such as calamari or sushi.
63-Read through the Bible in a year.
64- Go to Disney Land and World.
65- Have a nickname.
66- Dance in the rain/splash through puddles. (this one's been done a ton.)
67- Ride a horse.
68- Wear super tall/very barbie-ish shoes.
69- Start a traffic jam by looking and pointing at nothing on the side of the road going up into the mountains.
70- Go to Washington, D.C.
71- Be in a play, bigger than a little skit.
72- Learn an instrument other than the piano.
73- Put my feet in the Atlantic and Pacific.
74- Plead guilty in court. (I just had to add that one.)
75- Have my own office/largish cubical.
76- Put someone in my trunk and drive away.
77- Sing in Handel's Messiah.
78- Get Italian shoes.
79- Start a fire.
80- Be snowed in significantly.
81- Be in a silent movie.
82- Ice skate outdoors.
83- Stay in a beach house.
84- Go trick-or-treating.
85- Have an article of clothing from another country. (Irish scarf)
86- Stay up all night.
87- Do an engagement shoot.
88- Become an aunt.
89- Be a maid of honor at least once.
90- Fly by myself. (you know- not pilot, but ride. Hey- this is a big thing, people.)
91- Start a blog.
92- Learn CPR. (But I was like 10 so I probably need a refresher course.)
93- Prank call someone and have them believe me for a good long while.
94- Go to camp at least once.
95- Release a bunch of balloons into the air.
96- Get on the President's list in college.
97- Ride in a convertible.
98- Get paid for my photography.
99- Direct a play.
100- Get my own car.
101- Have texting like a normal person.
102- Wear a hoop skirt.
103- Read a book a week for a year.
104- Hehe- a secret one. ;)
105- Become a one-time-volunteer sidewalk performer in Disney World.
106- Ride in an old car.
107- Sing a song in a different language.
108- Have a photo shoot in a coffee shop.
109- Dance at a wedding.
110- Ride in the back of a police car.
So there you have it. My list of things-to-do-before-I-kick-the-bucket and my completed list. It took me 2 weeks to complete this blog because I kept thinking of things to put in. Like I said- it will most likely change in the very near future. I way too adventurous and ADD to have this stay the same. But all that being said- I'm kinda weird, ey?

Have a merry New Year!

Dreaming big,
