Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boarding Delayed

Otherwise titled: "People you see in an airport." or "Waiting for two hours for a flight." or "This is what I do when I'm bored out of my mind."

- There's a newly wed couple in front of me. I say newly wed because they still find enjoyment from eating food from each others hands. And she packed Phase 10 in her carry on. It just seems like something you would do for a honeymoon trip. I'm trying to refrain from playing both of their hands for them. I would win. (Oh. My. Word. Her rock is BIG. How does she put her hand in her pocket?)

- There's a business man surfing article's and eating pretzels. I wish he'd share. I didn't eat lunch. He seems slightly perturbed with the couple's energetic moving of the bench.

- I think this lady forgot she was just going to the airport. And this is coming from Barbie. Let's just say this Barbie doesn't wear 5 inch black stilettos and a fancy black skirt with a split to kingdom come to the airport. I like to be able to walk.

- Oh uh. I think another newly wed couple sat down next to me. They're already starting to look like each other. Not sure you have to lean that far over to share a computer. Whoa! PDA, peoples!! Yep, she's still got the "wedding french pedicure." *nods*

- This business man's mother must not have taught him patience. Trust me. Just because you keep getting up and pacing, it won't get the plane here faster.

- This man don't need no headphones to keep his beat. It's in his head, man. He's down wit it.

- Yes, Toto, we're in Colorado. Just counted my 83rd boot. Seriously. Yes, I'm counting. My flight was delayed.

- I want to read this lady's book. She's super intent and has already read half of it in only an hour. I almost fell on the floor trying to read the cover.

- GASP! I like his camera- a Cannon. Oh, please may I look??? And if you aren't using that lens- maybe I could, maybe, borrow it???? No, don't walk away!!!! Come back!!!!!!

- This child needs her mother. Apparently she's not quite getting the fact that she's to say with her father. And her father's not quite getting the fact that a 2 year old shouldn't be running in the middle of the walkway of a busy airport.

-Awwww.... the poor puppy. Just because bulldogs are ugly doesn't mean they don't have feelings you guys.....

- That's the 13th person to sit in the wheelchair only spot, get embarrassed when they see the sign and quickly move.

- It's never a good sign when you see the pilot running.

- This lady has got to be a teacher. She has her shirt tucked in and is wearing a belt and glasses. Sure that might just be how she dresses but she's got this list of names with grades next to them. Okay, fine so maybe that's better proof than her belt.

Oh, good. They're finally boarding. Farewell All.

Getting free direct TV,


Friday, May 13, 2011

Being Busy

I've been told I need to blog again. I have a blog basically done just waiting for pictures, but my life has been a bit on the crazy side of normal.

My life:
I worked 6 days last week. Four 10 hour days, one 5 hour day, and one 9 1/2 hour day.
My sister got engaged.
I was asked to be a maid of honor.
I was asked to take the engagement photos.
I bought a plane ticket right after it changed to a higher price and right before it went higher still.
I'm finally seeing work done on my baby after 4 weeks in the shop.
I cleaned my room, but you'd never know, 'cause I gotta clean it again.
My computer is on the brink of a blank screen of death. And it maybe in Do Not Resuscitate mode too.
I might have a warranty on it until July but have no idea where the warranty papers are. I went to college. And somehow, looking through all my papers wasn't that high on my list when I was packing to come home.
I still have photos from Virginia of Laura and Rod and Mike and Mindy to edit and get to them.
I don't have any disc space in which to save said photos.
I must have done something mean to my CD writer on my computer because he's not talking to me.
My sister ended up in the hospital getting a MRI to see what is causing her migraines.
I'm trying to make some big, life changing decisions.
I taught junior church and forgot until the night before that it was Mother's Day and I should probably do something with the kids to that end.
I leave in less than two weeks to see my sister, who is moving out of her house the weekend I come.
In five days I have to go to court at the ungodly hour of 8 in the morning because of "careless driving." *heart rate increases to a dangerous level*
My lamp shade broke- disintegrated more like it.
I've had a confusing schedule of training at work.
I had a bear of a time trying to find coverage at one part time job.

All this to say here are somethings that make me happy:

- I get to see my sister in less than two weeks.

- I get to be a maid of honor.

- I'm wearing pink shoes.

- My God is providing for me in unexpected ways.

- I have Dove chocolate.

- Both Aubrey and I don't work this weekend so we get to hangout the whole day.

- I live five minutes away from the coolest shop invented for Barbies.

- I got to see and love up my nieces on Sunday.

- My nieces love me. Or they love that I will be a jungle gym for them.

- "I am the thorn in Your crown, But You love me anyway. I am the sweat from Your brow, But You love me anyway." (sidewalk prophets)

- Speaking of Mother's Day, I have the best one. *Sticks out tongue*

- I get to take my first engagement photo session.

- It rained for two days straight.

- I love spinning in the dark with the rain on my face.

- The sun is back.

- When I fall- God picks me back up.

- I have a huge stack of library books to read.

- My baby might be fixed before I leave to see my sister.

- I'm wearing jeans to work.

- "For no word from God shall be void of power." (Luke 1:37- ASV)

- It's Friday.

- Everything is green now.

- Grace.

Looking on the bright side,
