Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bonkers: The current state of affairs

So...... Our life= crazy.

What in the world were we thinking when we decided to do our kitchen this year???

So what started off as merely updated our kitchen with a new wood floor (ours had extensive water damage by the sink) and new cupboards (what we had weren't that efficient in space and are 22 years old) has escalated.

No, I mean escalated. Amplified. Enlarged. Expanded. Intensified. Magnified. Proliferated. (I like that last word. It makes me smile. Big words normally do that to me. Or words that I make up myself... like skaplooshing.)

We, of course, had to continue the wood floor through to the dinning room. And we'll put some cupboards in there too..... which room will also be painted.

But then we decided to bring wood floor into our living room too.... which room will also be painted. (with a vaulted ceiling... I'm just hoping the paint guys leave their ladders unattended for a while so I can ....*cough* ummm.... do some climbing. :) )

And then we decided to get new carpet for the main floor, which is basically only the family room now that the living room has wood floor. But then mom wanted to move the old cabinets that we used for homeschool to the basement..... and take out the slightly harrowing brick fireplace with a sharp edge for small children and clumsy 21-year-olds to sufficiently damage themselves on.... which room will also be painted.

But then the wallpaper in the laundry room was being ripped off the wall and the poor place was feeling left out, so we decided to do the laundry room/bathroom, with new updated cabinets..... which room will also be painted.

By putting the old cupboards from the family room in the basement...that means packing that up too. So we might as well do carpet down there too.... which room will also be painted.

Oh, and we have leftover cupboards so they're going outside to the garage, which will need drywall to hook the cupboards too.... which room will also be painted... I think... maybe.

And so far that's it. I think..... maybe.... probably not..... but I'm not about to ask.

It's put our lives in quite the upheaval...... see for yourself.

(Pardon my poor lighting... and rather unedited photos, but I find the rawness of the photos brings out the true character of the upheaval.)

(the microwave is sometimes plugged in, sometimes not. Same with the stove. Thankfully the fridge still works.)

There's our color choices for most of the house on the wall (we're painting everything all the same color). Tan is not the easiest color to choose. It can easily go too pink (what we had before in the family room) to too dark to too yellow/gold to too green/gray..... You can't see too much difference from the pic but we have about 8 different colors on the wall (some shown, some not).

We found a dead bird in the fireplace.... yum.

That couch is our coat closet, silverware drawer, plate and cup cupboard, pots and pans, spices, under the sink stuff, and pantry.

That closet used to be full of food....... it makes me sad to see it looking so forlorn.

Excuse our laundry. The washer and dryer is only hooked up during the weekend so we get as much done then as we can.

You learn how lazy you are when you just hold so you don't have to go back upstairs to use the restroom..... That's probably TMI... sorry.

Welcome to our pantry (a.k.a Jenni's old room). You'll notice to the right you will find the flour, some random soup cans.... or maybe that's cans of chicken, and vinegar. To the left you will find potatoes and rice. Straight ahead we have the ever needful graham crackers and strawberry jam. At one o'clock you will find sugar, popcorn, and spaghetti noodles. If you make it to the next level you will find more random cans... oh, these are actually soup so those others must have been tomato, melting chocolate, and cereal. For the brave hearted, you will find at the next level the kid's toys - which I happened to dump basically half the box today while trying to get woody in his little RC car to stop running. And then the said car landed on the arm of the musical duck.... no wonder I have bruises on my shins.

(Don't tell my mother I showed you this photo).

Eating only apples for breakfast and cheese for lunch,
