It is usually around this time of year that I log in to my blog
(a.k.a. soapbox) and tell singles to stop feeling sorry for themselves. To get
out and live the life that God has given you. While I am still firmly planted
on that soapbox, this year, I’m not only going to be talking to singles. This
time, my tirade is aimed at everyone. I’ve been noticing a trend on social media. This trend doesn’t
just included single girls or guys. No, I have seen it suck in long time
married couples, newlyweds, and even dating couples. This trend happens to be
the bashing of one of my favorite holidays, Valentine’s Day.
“It’s too commercialized.”
Welcome to ‘Merica (yes, I just said ‘Merica), where we take
everything we can possible earn a buck on and use it to our full advantage. Honestly, Christmas is SO MUCH more commercialized,
but if someone says they hate Christmas, we call them Scrooge, a bah-humbug, a
Grinch. Honestly, you should have a much bigger problem with Christmas being
commercialized than Valentine’s Day. Sure,
I’ve heard people comment that Christmas is commercialized. But do they still
buy gifts for each other? Do they still set up a tree and put hundreds of
sparkling lights up? Do they still spend hours baking all those special goodies
that we are told we need for Christmas? You bet they do. Commercialism? Sure.
But a good excuse to hate Valentine’s Day? Lame Sauce.
“I can say ‘I love you’ any time of the year. I don’t need a special
day for it.”
I sure hope you do say I love you to the people in your life
on a regular basis. Don’t ever take for granted the people God has placed in
your life. But on the other hand, do you need a special day to be thankful? Do
you need a special day to remember Jesus came as a baby to save us? Do you need
a special day to remember the freedoms you’ve been given in this country? Do
you need a special day to praise God for his resurrection and paying the
ultimate price for us? Just as these holidays are set aside to turn our
attention and focus on a “special event”, so is Valentine’s Day a day set aside
to tell everyone you love how much they mean to you.
“There’s way too much
pink and glitter.”
Say WHAT?!? Oh, you are talking to the wrong girl about that
one! If I could wear pink, and glitter, and hearts every day of the year, I
would be one happy cookie. You can NEVER have too much pink! Or too much
glitter? CERTAINLY NOT. Okay, so not everyone shares my affinity for pink and sparkles.
I guess I can forgive you for that. But I don’t hate on your favorite color,
yellow, because I can’t wear it. I don’t make a face every time you mention
that orange is the new black. I don’t laugh when you say you just can’t get
enough of the color brown. So don’t hate on my sparkles or pink.
“It just feels fake.”
Listen, I’m not sure that is the holiday's fault there. That
one solely rests on your shoulders, my friend. Anything can become “fake” if
you want to have that attitude. Guess, what? I’ve been to my fair share of “fake”
Christmas gatherings. I’ve never felt more “fake” than at the Halloween party-
I mean “harvest party.” (cough, cough) Okay, so you meant “fake” as in
being not genuine, not from the heart, instead of “fake” - not being yourself.
Listen to that definition- sounds like it starts with you. If your heart is
fake, so will the holiday, so will the birthday, so will everyday.
“It’s the loneliest day of the entire year.”
Alright, so this one is more from singles. Or perhaps your
significant other is away right now. Hey, I know this awesome person that loves
the holiday and would love to do nothing more that sprinkle a bit of glitter
into your day. She’s always a text away if you simply need a hug. She also
loves to give gifts and might just show up with a box of chocolates and teddy
bear if the need arises. Now, if you live out of state, you might just have to
be happy with a package, or if you’re really desperate, you could always buy
her a plane ticket…
“Cupid. I mean, a fat, naked baby that shoots people with “love” arrows?
Yeah, I’ll give you that one. It’s pretty weird. But hey, a
jolly, fat, old guy with a long, white beard that comes down your chimney in
the middle of the night? You’ve got to admit that Valentine’s Day isn’t the
only holiday with a creepy “character” associated with it.
So, you all have, in essence, been reading my diary posts
for a while now. I hope you know that I’m strongly for singles getting out and
living life. I also hope you know that my stance on any of this does NOT mean
that I am an” independent female that does NOT need a silly man in my life to
complete it.” I’m not a bitter single. I’m not conforming valentine’s day to
fit my single needs. I’m not secretly smirking at all you couples that are “drinking
the poison” and getting married. Hey, I love love. (And I can even photograph
that upcoming wedding or engagement portraits for you and make you kiss a bunch.)
The grass is not “greener” on the other side. Wherever you are, be all there.
[P.S. Just because I can’t leave this alone and must at
least make mention of it somehow… Singles, there ain’t no more tissues and
boxes of chocolates to gorge on while watching a chick-flick and complaining
about your status in life. Get up. Get out. Wake up and smell the coffee. Go.
Fight! Win! And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our visits….]
So stop bashing and start loving.
Proudly wearing pink,