Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Of Resolutions and Changes

I’m not usually big on the whole new year’s resolutions band wagon. I mean, I guess I feel like it’s kinda cliché and most fall of that wagon on the 10th of January anyways. This year though, I feel like I have more goals, more “new year’s resolutions” if you will, than I have ever had in years past.
I’m not gonna lie. About 80% of those goals I haven’t even started. Maybe I’m being way too optimistic about how much I can “change” or “do better.”  Which of course, gets me thinking about that wording. I think that’s why I’ve been so much against those resolutions in the past. It feels like stomping my foot and saying, “I will change me! I am woman, hear me roar! See? I’m so cool!”
But here’s the other flip side of that coin. (And perhaps the whole purpose of my writing this blog post.) I feel like I’ve become pretty complacent (read: LAZY). I think I’ve gotten a bit of the “well I can’t change me so I won’t try” mentality.  
Now I’m not saying that I change ME. What I’m saying is, I’m not going to sit around doing the same thing I’ve always done (nothing) and expect to suddenly have all these “goals” and “betterments” accomplished.
So here’s my resolution.

Go. No more hiding. No more, “I can’t God.  You have the wrong person….”

Do more. No more putting off. No more sitting around. No more “I was going to, but…”
Be intentional. No more just doing things because that’s what you always do. No more halfhearted, “well, I tried….”
Listen, I’m an introvert. My comfort zone is located in my lovely arm chair in my room with my laptop, eating puppy chow and watching a BBC movie. My comfort zone is being a wallflower and invisible. My comfort zone is never having to talk to a new person in a crowded room. My comfort zone is never going somewhere I don't know and I haven't planned for. And no matter how badly I’ve worded the above resolution, you have to know, that every single one of those words is a great distance from my pink bubble of comfort.  Which means, I can’t do this.
Are you ready for that cliché phrase?
Not on my own.
That’s where I’ve been. And that’s why it hasn’t changed.  I’ve never been a fan of the “God helps those that help themselves.” But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t work, deeds, action, that needs to happen on my end.
So, I’m resolved to do, go, and be….. 
(p.s. Yeah, that's a picture of my Ireland there.... It's it lovely?)
Ready to change,

1 comment:

  1. This "what is my part- what is God's part" is so hard to figure out. I do know we are commanded to "work out your salvation" (Phil 2:12). But verse 13 in that chapter tells us, "it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." He is the one who causes us to want to do it in the first place and He is the one that helps us with the action. But that doesn't mean we sit back and let it happen. Like Abraham's servant we "do" and "go". Genesis 24:27"...I, being on the way, the Lord led me." Anyway..... we do KNOW for sure and for certain "He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6 I will be praying you will continue to "Go. Do. Be." well beyond January 10th. :) Can't wait to see what God will do! (Love you, Mom)
