Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baked Goods: In which I don't bake

So this new kitchen of ours is having an effect on me. I seem to be baking more than normal. Not so much cooking although I think a bit more of that too. But I'm loving these new bigger counters, photo worthy lighting, and organized cupboards.
I made chocolate chip cookies on Wednesday and apparently, those weren't enough for my dad.
He's not really into baked goods. He pretty much only likes chocolate chip cookies, melting moments, and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
And so on Tuesday- after having cleaned out our stash of cookies by like Friday- he needed something more. He even bought more milk to go with it. (He obviously was trying to hint at something when he put that extra gallon in the cart.)
I gave him the choice of cake or more cookies. I found it humorous the amount of time it took to decided. But he went with cake. But the thing is..... we do cake with a box mix..... and I didn't really feel that was blog worthy. And so I made No Bake Cookies.

I was going to make these earlier but used all the vanilla in the house for the chocolate chip cookies (actually we only 1 tsp. when I needed 2 but they still turned out fine and you couldn't really tell..... I don't know why I told you that but apparently that was important to the story.)

I know, I know. Seriously, who doesn't know how to make no bake cookies. ummmm so I basically just wanted to do another food blog. At least you get to see a small portion of the kitchen..... (By the way, we are getting closer and closer to being moved in. I'm planning an official photo shoot when that is done and then will post pictures. Patience, my friend.)
And there is kind of an art to making these. If you don't do it just right they won't sit right. They also don't like to harden on rainy days but it was a rainy day and these set just fine so maybe our theories are off. (But don't worry if they don't set. That never seems to be a problem in our house. Spoons work just fine.)

So here you go- a step by step method of no bake cookies.

Let the cook book open up to where ever it wants to. Inevitably, it will open to the page with no bake cookies. On the other side you will find the recipe to melting moments. We don't make either of these very often in our house. Opening to this page has nothing to do with the stained, wrinkled, ripped page, our cook book just likes this page naturally.....

I highly recommend listening to this song while baking. It will inspire you..... or get you so distracted by playing the air cello that you forget to cook at all......

Melt the butter and sugar
and milk in a medium pan
Measure out the oats in a separate bowl
The recipe says to put the coco in the pan with the milk, butter and sugar. We always mix it in with the oats.Stir oats and coco until oats are well coated.

Decide after you measure everything out that there is not enough and quickly double the batch. (You have to do this quickly because the butter and milk mixture is already melted and starting to boil)
Don't forget to also add more oats and coco to the bowl.

Let the sugar, butter, and milk mixture boil for one minute.

Add peanut butter
and vanilla (I was having issues with pouring vanilla and taking pictures so mom helped me out here. Don't look at the hands here. I promised mom that there wouldn't be any hands showing and as you can see, there is a bit showing. So don't look at them. K? K.)
Pause this process to quickly save your cake from burning in the oven.

It works best to use hot pads. Just saying.

Quickly go back to your peanut butter and mix it in well to melt it. (You really shouldn't leave it as you don't want to have peanut butter lumps in the mix which could happen if you don't mix it together quickly enough. And you mixture could start to harden. Don't follow my lead here.)

Pour over the oats and chocolate. (Yes, Aubrey, I had to go back and edit all of my "pooring". Sheesh. I love spell check.) Stir until all is evenly coated and there are no dry spots left.

Drop by spoonful onto waxed paper.

Eat with spoon while still hot...... oh, oops.... I mean... wait for it to cool completely before you eat half the batch.

And there you have it..... No Bake Cookies.... My version.

Loving chocolate,


1 comment:

  1. Hold made cake and no bake cookies!!!! Oh and I know for certain that your "patience, my friend" was intended for me. Believe me, I am chomping at the bit!!!
