Friday, October 7, 2011


So when I first got to the airport to head to South Carolina for Stephanie's wedding- I thought this would be the flying trip that wouldn't get blogged. I only got 3 hours of sleep and was exhausted. When I got to my gate, I decided to be unsociable. I picked a seat facing the window with no one close by- not a hard thing to do on a Wednesday morning at 8a.m. Even when I'm tired, I'm impatient and ADD, but even in my occasional wanderings, I didn't find anything blog worthy.

Then I got to Georgia (starts humming a song about Georgia- finds she doesn't know it and stops mid hum)
You all know me and my love of accents. Well, I think the people on the plane like them too. Seemed half of the plane that was speaking normally an hour ago suddenly all have southern accents. So after a long wait (that was made a bit more unbearable by the lady in 30A complaining about it taking so long. She even took it out on a poor elderly man. Sheesh. And she didn't even have a connecting flight. Someone was bold enough to ask.)
I find out where my next gate is and get slightly worried. I mean, who wouldn't when you come out at gate T23 and you need to get to gate D14. Fortunately, they don't have the entire alphabet.
I find my gate, and then wander around to find some cheap food- yeah, right. I probably looked really lost.
Maybe because I walked by 3 times.
Maybe because I had a blank look on my face.
Maybe because I was.
So finally I find a bagel and chocolate milk for 5 bucks. And then I people watch. And that's when things start getting interesting.
-There's a guy behind me chatting up a storm with a fellow traveler. I'm trying to hear what it's all about, but I think he's on to me. Every time I lean, he gets quieter.
-There's a lady beside me that is very protective of her suitcases. Don't get me wrong. It's perfectly fine to watch your stuff, but leaning forward every time someone walks by might be a little overkill. I think she's jealous of my bagel too.
-Now, this guy is intriguing. Fairly normal looking, probably late twenties or so. He sits and plugs in his phone. Nothing unusual- but then pulls out the ginormous-all-books-in-one-complete-Narnia. In case you were wondering- no he doesn't look like that type at all. And folks, it just got better. He had what looks like a passport but I wasn't sure. And when we boarded he had to show it to the attendant, who then proceeded to check it for a good 5 minutes at her computer.... hmmm very curious, no?
-Speaking of accents, there is a couple in the row ahead of me, speaking another language. But I can't quite put my finger on it. I think it's maybe Dutch or Swedish. I've ruled out German and Spanish. I wish I knew what it was. Man, but her glasses are cool.
-And there was another guy on the train thingy with an unusual accent too. I think this one was Russian or Ukrainian or maybe I'm just making them up now. Sometimes I think we should learn from people with accents or someone learning our language. They take time and pause before, while, and after speaking. "I...'zink....we 'zouldn't be... 'zo..hmmm....doubtful..."
-And yet another southern accent- there is a guy three rows back. He's very southern polite. Apparently his wife wanted him to call and let this person know which couch they wanted and (*southern accent*) "Unfoortunately, we cain't do both, but would luv the sleeper sofaaa."
-Wow- that's a first. Our (male) flight attendant is in a suit- like with red tie and red hanky, buttoned and everything. That's got to be nice and comfy. He looks happy about it too. It's okay. If I saw what people did during safety demonstration and how few were actually paying attention, I would wear a Charlie Brown look too. -Apparently I'm not used to big airports either. As we're taxying (is that a word? If not, I claim it and every time someone uses it I think I should get a nickel... hey, I gotta make money somehow) to the runway, we turn a corner and it looks like ducks in a row. There has to be at least 7 planes in front of us. Wowsiers- this could take a while.
-Oh, that looks promising. There's this chalky like substance on the side of the runway and they are majorly fixing the road there- You know- like there was a plane fire.... I have an avid imagination, what can I say?
-I have a hard time when people have books beside me. I try really, really hard to keep my eyes to myself. It doesn't usually work very well.
-FYI, it's windy and overcast in Georgia today.
-Did you know there is writing on the wing. And apparently I'm not the only one with grammar issues.... "No step"... Drats- way to foil my plans.
(return flights)
-Oh, and remember that lady in seat 30A who was complaining on the way to Georgia? She was waiting to board my flight back to Denver in Atlanta.... in the same clothes, shoes, jewelry, hairstyle, etc. ..... hmmm.
-And yet another note from my return flight to Denver. I normally am not into the whole Bachelor and Bachelorette thing but well.... I saw half of one episode and watched one episode of Dancing with the Stars with that one guy, Jake. Well, there is a guy on this flight that looks exactly the way he does. And I think he knows it too by the look he gave me when he saw me watching him.
And so- I sign off. My cold is catching up with me....

Blaring cello music,

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