Monday, April 8, 2013

Pet Peeves

So I'm on a.... what would you call it.... sensory trip? Ummm "this is how I feel, how do you feel?" sessions? I'm not entirely sure what to call it, but hey at least I'm posting again....

This time it's Pet Peeves. I've got a lot of pet peeves. Most of them I try to hide or I at least try to control them, so I don't "go postal" on you. But sometimes, sometimes they just jump out.
Like chewing. I mean really. We all have to do it, but there are those that seem to not be able to do it unless their mouth is open. And the crunchier the thing, the worse it is. As long as I'm crunching with you, I'm good, so don't be offended if you happen to be eating chips and I all the sudden grab your bag and start chowing. (Oh, and please don't start grunting while you eat like Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice.)

And one that's close to that, I don't let my dog chew her nails. It's normally not loud enough to bother me when humans chew theirs (although I don't really get the point of it.... they invented clippers for you, FYI). But dogs are just annoying when they chew theirs. And I don't let her lick her paws very much either..... It goes back to that chewing or "smacking" noise that drive me up a tree.

I don't know if I would necessarily count as a peeve, but I can't do lint.... or loose hair.......or flannel....... or corduroy...... or anything fuzzy really. I involuntarily will get chills and my toes will curl so much they hurt. I think it stems from hating things that are "dry" and why I never touch a news paper with out recently lotioned hands and why I'm always carrying around a big bottle of lotion and why I throw fits when airport security takes away my lotion. The meanies. I mean, you have to be much more clever than I am to make a weapon with that.
I hate it when people say that "every one's a photographer." No. Not true. Everyone can take pictures and "think" they are a photographer, but that does not make them a photographer. You don't hear people say "every one's an artist", do you?

I don't like it when someone tells me that I either will or will not like the ending of a book or movie. Please just state it as your opinion and not how I *will* feel about it.

I cringe at the sound of certain types of cardboard on cardboard. You know if you set a box on top of another and scoot it the rest of the way. Or if you fold the flaps inside and it rubs on the side.

Another one I'm not sure that really counts as a peeve, but I don't do throw up.... cleaning it, smelling it, hearing it, seeing it. Anything. So while I have the deepest sympathy for your pains, please just imagine me rubbing your back while you are hurling, as I run to the nearest windowless, soundproof room.

What about you? Your pet peeves? Do I do them and make you go bonkers?


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