Thursday, April 4, 2013

Making Memories

Have you ever noticed how certain smells remind you of past times? I think it's the Parent Trap were she smells her grandfather to make a memory. "Years from now, when I'm all grown up, I'll always remember my grandfather and how he always smelled of........peppermint and pipe tobacco." I've come to discover that I do that without realizing it.

Like the smell of a certain hair gel reminds me of our vacation in Virgina Beach at Sandbridge. Just a few steps would take me out to the beach were the wind would blow my hair across my face.

Or, strangely enough, the smell of Ranch Doritos reminding me of when we went to the "older kids" C.A.C.S. and got all kinds of goodies like Doritos, and Oreos, and lemon drops.

Or the smell of Goo Goo Dolls candy reminds me of the time when Jenni and I got all kids of junk at the dollar store one time for dinner. "I feel like a super model."

Or the smell of tootsie rolls remind me of how Jenni and I would cut up our tootsie rolls very small and keep them in tin so as to make them last longer.

Or the smell of cattails remind me of many hours spent at the Wishart's playing our make believe games as if our lives depended on them.

Or the smell of Carmel apples and chocolate remind me of late nights at the Aardsmas house trying to eat slices of carmel apples in effort to be cleaner .........and failing miserably.

Or the smell of red vines remind me of smokey Forth of July's sitting so close you could feel the boom in your bones.

Or the smell of moonlight path perfurme reminds me on laying my head on my mommy's lap and talking or of her hugs or her tickling me.... or really anything of my mommy. ;)

And I don't think I'll ever forget the smell of my Saabreensers face when I kiss her.

What is your memory smells? What lovely images do you think of when you come across a certain smell?

Making memories,


  1. A very sweet post! Keep writing!! Love you!


  2. It's hard to describe...but sometimes I smell New Hampshire. I have fond memories of where I spent the first 12 years of my life.
