Have you ever gotten the feeling like nothing has changed in the past year? That you seem to be in the exact same place as you were last year? That life is so dull? Sometimes I feel that's where I am.
Naturally my mind goes to think about all that has changed. I have not only a job, but a full time job with super nice bosses. I have short hair. I have a few more purses, shoes, and scarfs..... and that's seriously where my mind goes blank.
Perhaps it's because I had so much going on in my life last year at this time. I had just gotten a handful of a dog, albeit an adorable one. It hit me last Christmas that I was permanently planning on living with Mike and Mindy. Sounds weird but it wasn't ever really officially in my plans to move in with them long term and last Christmas when I was opening presents with them on Christmas I realized that I was here to stay a long while. (As I told Nikki the other day, she will most likely be married and have 4 children of her own before I move out. Ha!) I was unemployed for 3 months, unaware that I was going to be that way for another 6 months. I was just settling into my new church family, directing Christmas plays and semi stepping in as a church secretary of sorts. Everything seemed so unsettled during that time and it felt like everything was changing. I could never plan a week in advance, sometimes not even a day in advance.
I've never been a really good handler of change. I've always been more the homebody that likes to stay at home and watch the world change in the comfort of my jammers knowing that mine will never be like that. I mean, just read earlier posts about how frightened I was of change. Even if it was in a joking way it was totally scary to me. It's kinda humorous to me now.
Maybe it's been the excitement of my world constantly changing last year that has gotten me hungry for change. It seems like I'm constantly looking around the corner for something to change. Like I'm standing on the edge of cliff waiting to jump. After writing my last post about all the single girls and marriage talk that I'm so much more open for change there too, whatever "there" means. I wonder if I haven't always had this thirst for change in me a bit. Considering my past job history, I've never been at a job for more than a year. Now some of that wasn't my fault, what with college, businesses selling, or downsizing. But there is part of me that doesn't always do well with the whole "do the same thing day after day." And maybe that's just human nature. But I feel like it's really come to the surface in the past 2 months in me. I don't feel like this was my nature before or maybe I just was super good at ignoring it.
I feel so ready for something to change, it terrifies me.
Maybe this is Gods way of telling me that I've got another huge lesson coming. (Not that I'm not always learning huge lessons from Him, but last year was some pretty big ones that I don't think I'll ever get a complete hold on.) Or maybe it's just me finally getting a small grasp on His last big lesson to me.
I've always loved that verse in Ephesians where Paul is talking about being content, no matter where you were. But, I think I've taken that to mean something other than what it should- applied in my life in a way that wasn't meant to be. I think I've been content in my life so long as it stayed the same as it always has. Never changing. Never growing. Never learning. Never getting out there. And here's where I get terrified. Changing, growing, learning....well it hurts. And it's never quick. And it's never done.
So maybe after all, things *have* changed in the past year. Maybe I've changed, or rather God has changed me. And no matter how terrified I am of this openness I feel toward changing and growing, I know that I won't have to do any of it on my own. That I have the perfect Person that will give me exactly the change I need. And that makes everything so much more bearable and...well....exciting.
Leaning on Him,
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Concerning Couples
There seems to be a trend going around lately. It's about, as I like to call it, "marriage talk." It has been anything from a sermon or a blog post, to a facebook status update or a book advertisement on a side bar. I'm not saying I've read all of them, but it kinda seems like the ones I did read left me feeling left out in the cold. It's not because they weren't well written with important information in them. It wasn't even that they were just geared toward married people- some spoke directly to singles. But here's the thing- I'm a bit on the weird side (Ha!) and they just weren't were I was.
You all probably know that I am a people pleaser. And there are just times when I act like I think I'm supposed to act in certain groups. For example, I grew up pretty conservative and was homeschooled my whole life. In this circle, it was kinda expected that you avoided long conversations with guys, never wanting to appear to be *gasp* flirting with them. You didn't really talk about crushes- only when you had way too much chocolate fondue at a sleep over. If you did talk about boys all the time, you were "one of those girls." And, in my case with being shy and not showing my emotions, sometimes my sister didn't even know of guys that I liked. And I find, in this circle, I can kinda come off as a "feminists marriage hater" of sorts, closed off at even the thought of a guy coming into my perfectly ordered life.
And then there are people that I went to Bible College with. There's a reason they call it "bridal college". Honestly, if you sit next to a guy in chapel (whether you know him of not), at lunch you will get asked at least 10 times if he's popped the question yet. Now with these people I end up giggling and sneaking obvious glances out of the corner of our eyes at cowboys in restaurants. Often, I got teased for not ever going on a date or seeking out the attention of a guy. It was expected in this environment.
The thing is, I feel like I'm in the middle of the two extremes, even if I don't come off like that. I'm not one of those girls who was constantly preparing for a man to come into my life and now is struggling with were to find that "Jesus-like" guy. I'm not one of those girls who has a spreadsheet of qualities- good and bad- that I review every time I see a guy. I'm not one of those girls that carries around a soap box to speak often of my "disdain for the idiocrasy of men these days." Neither do I feel am I one who needs to be in a relationship with a guy to be validated. And so I wanted to share my thoughts in the matter, because sometimes I have a hard time talking about or acting how I really feel. And so I write.
So often there seems to be women (and sometimes men) who want to push marriage on me. Yes, I agree that God has created the institution of marriage. He has created us for companionship and there is so much to commend a godly marriage. It's a picture of Christ and the church. There have been whole books written based on scriptures about the benefits of marriage so I'll save you the pain of reading them all. And there's even a pretty good sermon on my church website if you really feel the need to delve deeper. But- now, I say this carefully and please take it with a grain of salt- these people are almost forcing expectation on singles. We hear it, we read it, we are bombarded with it. It can easily make us desperate, unfulfilled and even turn to other things to compensate for our "apparent failure to catch a man and get married to fulfill God's purpose in our life."
I met this super sweet, godly lady in Virginia when I went out for Rod's graduation. Within 7 seconds of talking, I knew her passion and ministry was for the role of women firstly to their husband and then their family. In her eyes, everything that I was going through at the time was God preparing me to meet the perfect man eventually (and who knows, maybe it still is). I'm so glad that God has given her a passion for where He has put her. But I don't think she knew how every single sentence she said pricked a little hole in my heart. All I could think about was, "What if that someone doesn't ever come? What if I've missed him? What have I done wrong not to find that guy yet? Have I lost my effectiveness to serve God because I don't have a man by my side?"
But the thing is, I am free to live COMPLETE and fully fulfilled in Christ alone!
I'm not going to go the opposite direction and quote all of the scriptures on being content or the blessings of being single. We know them. We, as singles, have heard them as platitudes over and over again.
But here's what I'm getting at: Married women, stop spiritually intimidating single girls to find a guy, get married and have 4 kids. You should be spending more time exhorting and encouraging them to know God, rather than know what qualities you can or can't settle for in a guy. And perhaps, stop pushing the line that "God will bring that perfect man into your life." (It really does kinda drive me crazy.) Instead, encourage single girls to be open to be used of God. Be open to where He takes you. Be open to the next step. Stop encouraging singles to keep waiting to get married to live their lives. And get single people involved in your personal family. I've heard it said often that singles are uncomfortable with church because "it's all family oriented." This just helps in the case of them falling away from God and the Church family. So reach out to those singles. Make them like one of your family, because honestly, everything in church is supposed to be "family orientated." We all are in the family of God, after all.
Singles, don't just sit back and feel left out in church. Become the coolest aunt to all of the kids in your church. Become the closest sister to the women and the men. Become the best listener for the seniors in your church. And stop waiting for a man to come into your life to serve God with. Don't put your life on hold for a man! Stop waiting and start following God now. Stop writing your columns of qualities that you need and things you can "compromise" on and start learning about your God. Stopping looking at Jesus for examples of the perfect man to look for and start looking at how you should be living like Jesus. But don't be so adamantly against marriage that you resist God's leading when/if He does bring a man into your life. Make sure you are open for the next step and have a direction.
Now, I'm a photographer, and I absolutely love love. It's amazing to photograph and amazing to witness. I'm not trying to come across as a marriage hater. I'm not trying to bash those women who are so happily married they can't help talking about. Nor am I trying to be mean to those woman that are truly just trying to be encouraging when they say that a man will come into my life when I least expect it. Sometimes they are just asking honest questions to get to know you better. And neither am I trying to say that I'm always 100% content where I am as a single. I'm not saying it's easy to be single. Trust me, there have been times when I've seriously considered hiring a boyfriend for a night to come to work events or to give me an excuse not to go to something that I might think is awkward. I'm so much braver when I'm doing something silly with someone else. But I'm also not saying it's easy to be married. There have been times when I see that marriage/ a relationship takes more work than being single ever does and I recognize that, were I am right now, I could never handle it.
In a nutshell- No matter if you are just married and living in a honeymoon world. Or if you are married for 12 years and fight everyday to get those Lego's off the floor, that crayon off the wall, and some type of food into your moody husband before 9:30 pm. Or if you've just started dating the man of your dreams. Or if you're looking for Mr. Right around every corner of the Internet. Or if you are 23 and have never been on a date- learn to be complete in Christ, right here, right now. Stop comparing you life with those around you. Stop making life decisions based on the opinions of others who don't know you. Be who He has made you to be. Recognize the supremacy of Christ to put you exactly where you need to be and be open to whatever the next step He has for you.
Hoping this all makes sense,
You all probably know that I am a people pleaser. And there are just times when I act like I think I'm supposed to act in certain groups. For example, I grew up pretty conservative and was homeschooled my whole life. In this circle, it was kinda expected that you avoided long conversations with guys, never wanting to appear to be *gasp* flirting with them. You didn't really talk about crushes- only when you had way too much chocolate fondue at a sleep over. If you did talk about boys all the time, you were "one of those girls." And, in my case with being shy and not showing my emotions, sometimes my sister didn't even know of guys that I liked. And I find, in this circle, I can kinda come off as a "feminists marriage hater" of sorts, closed off at even the thought of a guy coming into my perfectly ordered life.
And then there are people that I went to Bible College with. There's a reason they call it "bridal college". Honestly, if you sit next to a guy in chapel (whether you know him of not), at lunch you will get asked at least 10 times if he's popped the question yet. Now with these people I end up giggling and sneaking obvious glances out of the corner of our eyes at cowboys in restaurants. Often, I got teased for not ever going on a date or seeking out the attention of a guy. It was expected in this environment.
The thing is, I feel like I'm in the middle of the two extremes, even if I don't come off like that. I'm not one of those girls who was constantly preparing for a man to come into my life and now is struggling with were to find that "Jesus-like" guy. I'm not one of those girls who has a spreadsheet of qualities- good and bad- that I review every time I see a guy. I'm not one of those girls that carries around a soap box to speak often of my "disdain for the idiocrasy of men these days." Neither do I feel am I one who needs to be in a relationship with a guy to be validated. And so I wanted to share my thoughts in the matter, because sometimes I have a hard time talking about or acting how I really feel. And so I write.
So often there seems to be women (and sometimes men) who want to push marriage on me. Yes, I agree that God has created the institution of marriage. He has created us for companionship and there is so much to commend a godly marriage. It's a picture of Christ and the church. There have been whole books written based on scriptures about the benefits of marriage so I'll save you the pain of reading them all. And there's even a pretty good sermon on my church website if you really feel the need to delve deeper. But- now, I say this carefully and please take it with a grain of salt- these people are almost forcing expectation on singles. We hear it, we read it, we are bombarded with it. It can easily make us desperate, unfulfilled and even turn to other things to compensate for our "apparent failure to catch a man and get married to fulfill God's purpose in our life."
I met this super sweet, godly lady in Virginia when I went out for Rod's graduation. Within 7 seconds of talking, I knew her passion and ministry was for the role of women firstly to their husband and then their family. In her eyes, everything that I was going through at the time was God preparing me to meet the perfect man eventually (and who knows, maybe it still is). I'm so glad that God has given her a passion for where He has put her. But I don't think she knew how every single sentence she said pricked a little hole in my heart. All I could think about was, "What if that someone doesn't ever come? What if I've missed him? What have I done wrong not to find that guy yet? Have I lost my effectiveness to serve God because I don't have a man by my side?"
But the thing is, I am free to live COMPLETE and fully fulfilled in Christ alone!
I'm not going to go the opposite direction and quote all of the scriptures on being content or the blessings of being single. We know them. We, as singles, have heard them as platitudes over and over again.
But here's what I'm getting at: Married women, stop spiritually intimidating single girls to find a guy, get married and have 4 kids. You should be spending more time exhorting and encouraging them to know God, rather than know what qualities you can or can't settle for in a guy. And perhaps, stop pushing the line that "God will bring that perfect man into your life." (It really does kinda drive me crazy.) Instead, encourage single girls to be open to be used of God. Be open to where He takes you. Be open to the next step. Stop encouraging singles to keep waiting to get married to live their lives. And get single people involved in your personal family. I've heard it said often that singles are uncomfortable with church because "it's all family oriented." This just helps in the case of them falling away from God and the Church family. So reach out to those singles. Make them like one of your family, because honestly, everything in church is supposed to be "family orientated." We all are in the family of God, after all.
Singles, don't just sit back and feel left out in church. Become the coolest aunt to all of the kids in your church. Become the closest sister to the women and the men. Become the best listener for the seniors in your church. And stop waiting for a man to come into your life to serve God with. Don't put your life on hold for a man! Stop waiting and start following God now. Stop writing your columns of qualities that you need and things you can "compromise" on and start learning about your God. Stopping looking at Jesus for examples of the perfect man to look for and start looking at how you should be living like Jesus. But don't be so adamantly against marriage that you resist God's leading when/if He does bring a man into your life. Make sure you are open for the next step and have a direction.
Now, I'm a photographer, and I absolutely love love. It's amazing to photograph and amazing to witness. I'm not trying to come across as a marriage hater. I'm not trying to bash those women who are so happily married they can't help talking about. Nor am I trying to be mean to those woman that are truly just trying to be encouraging when they say that a man will come into my life when I least expect it. Sometimes they are just asking honest questions to get to know you better. And neither am I trying to say that I'm always 100% content where I am as a single. I'm not saying it's easy to be single. Trust me, there have been times when I've seriously considered hiring a boyfriend for a night to come to work events or to give me an excuse not to go to something that I might think is awkward. I'm so much braver when I'm doing something silly with someone else. But I'm also not saying it's easy to be married. There have been times when I see that marriage/ a relationship takes more work than being single ever does and I recognize that, were I am right now, I could never handle it.
In a nutshell- No matter if you are just married and living in a honeymoon world. Or if you are married for 12 years and fight everyday to get those Lego's off the floor, that crayon off the wall, and some type of food into your moody husband before 9:30 pm. Or if you've just started dating the man of your dreams. Or if you're looking for Mr. Right around every corner of the Internet. Or if you are 23 and have never been on a date- learn to be complete in Christ, right here, right now. Stop comparing you life with those around you. Stop making life decisions based on the opinions of others who don't know you. Be who He has made you to be. Recognize the supremacy of Christ to put you exactly where you need to be and be open to whatever the next step He has for you.
Hoping this all makes sense,
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Covering the Comencement and Comglomerate
So, yeah, it's been nearly a month since I've left for Virginia and yet still I haven't done the traditional flying blog, let alone my trip blog.
In my defense, may I please add that in that time I have: driven to Denver twice to hang out with Stephanie, watched children multiple times so mother and father could have a few dates, filled out 2 applications in person, 15 online, had an 35 minute interview, a 2 hour group interview, had a prayer conference, gone to 2 different libraries approximately 7 times, did laundry 3 times at the parents house, hung and ordered pics for my mother, completed yet another all-nighter (or rather a partial-nighter), edited photo's from VA for a very anxious young man and his wife, celebrated Mother's Day with the family, gone on a fishing picnic, went camping for a night, dressed up as a super villain, hung out at a garage sale, dug through somewhere between 30 to 80 very interesting old books, went Frisbee throwing at 10pm, broke my computer cord, bought a cheap cord that ended up melting things with the charging box thingy, returned the second broken cord, received a second slightly more expensive computer cord, hung out with a friend I haven't seen in months, went to DIA in pouring rain, had a ladies bible study, put out the church calendar for June, saw a partial eclipse, washed my "brown" dog twice, rebuilt approximately 24 Lego airplanes, started a part-time job for two weeks, got "fired" from the part time job after two weeks, celebrated memorial day, helped weed at my parents house for two days, got sun blisters, had an amazingly crazy 3 year old birthday party, welcomed my sister and her husband to Colorado, started the process of booking my first wedding shoot, and so much more, I'm sure.
So go easy on me.
I've decided to combine the classic "people-watching-in-an-airport-blog with my trip blog. You know, kill two subjects with one blog. You must know that I write airport bogs the moment they are happening. And I have to write them out with a pen, not electronically. Things just come better that way. I don't, however, do this for the time that I'm actually in the state I'm visiting. Otherwise they would probably be cooler.... or maybe they wouldn't... Anywho- enjoy...
I've got to stop doing these early morning flights out of Denver. It's one of the best airports for people watching but these early flights, one, make me way to tired to care about watching, and two, there isn't a ton of people to watch this early. I felt bad about being unsociable and facing the widow so I tried to wake myself up, by whistling. But what song came out of my mouth? Brahms Lullaby. Yep. I'm that cool. So as I was going through security they were checking everyones boarding pass, looking for something specific. That's a comforting thought, no? There isn't much to report on my flight to Midway, other than this person doing a complete bobble head. Oh, yeah, that's me. As we're landing there was a group of people talking and I hear one of the dad's pipe up referring to pacifiers falling on the ground, "With the first one you wash it off and disinfect it, with the second you lick it off, and with the third, you let the dog lick it." I feel the man speaks truth. As we're waiting to get off, all super patiently of course, there was this adorable, bald, round headed little tyke totally flirting with all the guys- raised eyebrows, grunts, coy looks and all.
It must be the time for sports teams to go traveling- I've seen no less than 11 matching tee shirt/ sweats groups pass by. And then there is this large group of college aged kids, guys dressed super nice with ties (no, not the white shirts with black ties, with a name tags pinned neatly to their pocket type of nice) and girls in skirts. I'm closish to MBBC and I so bad want to ask them the reason for the dress. I thought I was going through Saabreen withdrawal when I thought for sure I heard a collar jingle 3 times and couldn't find a dog to fit such noise. But I just heard 7 barks and I don't think humans that are barking in this said manner are allowed to stay long in airports, at least with out close supervision by men dressed in black with dark sunglasses. So I totally forgot to pack a pen in my carry on bag. You would think I would learn. You should see me covertly looking under chairs and in seat pockets for one. When I told mom I forgot a pen she asked if I had a knife so I could write in blood. Ummm....in an airport. Can someone please explain to my mommy why this would most likely not end pretty?? Ha! Just kidding. So I caved and went looking for pens in the airport. What can I say? Boredom and tiredness don't make me wise. But then I didn't feel right buying a $2 pen with a credit card so I got Pink Lemonade and yes, the pen was also pink. Dude, this dog better stop barking- He's making me want to go find him at all costs and I just know if I leave, my seat it will get stolen. It was with great trepidation that I left it to go find a pen. And yes, you better believe that I'm in the kids section watching cartoons (which are mainly super dumb and I don't even know them, except the good ol' Yogi Bear). It sounds a bit racist but I mean it in the nicest way, but you can tell that you're in IL. There's a much higher percentage of African Americans here. And they don't got that sweet southerner accent here. It's definitely like a gangsta twang, and it's oh so hard to remember that I'm from Colorado and I don't have an accent. Pity really. Do you ever kinda want to get a wheel chair, at the airport mainly, although other places might be cool? You get to go to the head of a lot of lines, and I mean, you don't have to walk and get lost. Am I right? Why is it all pilots are old? I mean I guess that means experience, right? Forgive my random musings. I'm kinda weird on no sleep. What's the proper seat manners in an airport? I mean, you give your seat to one elder person, when someone who needs it more just walks up....
Now that it's been so long since I've been there I'm not sure that I remember all of it too well. I do know it was a lot of later nights with earlier mornings. And really it was the mornings that got me, naturally, but it was worse with the 2 hour time difference. And since I don't remember the small details very well now, I will mainly tell of that time with pictures. I'm sure you will enjoy that better than my strange ramblings anywho. So here you go...
This is what happens when you try to frost cupcakes in a professional manner with frosting in a jar (except the other cupcakes that someone made the frosting for us)..... at least that's what happens when I try to do that.
Made them pause the mad panic (ha) to get a picture...
Check out these cookies. A friend from "downstairs" made them. And she made the frosting for the cupcakes (which was amazing). And I'm sure she did much more too. She was pretty cool. I mean, check out those cookies. I have to note that the saturation on these pictures is not bumped up. The party was naturally this bright.
I have to say that this table was one of my favorite places to hang out. It was so bright and all the food on it was so awesome. It was a very photogenic table too....
I mean- how cool is this cupcake???
The theme was "It's So Sweet To Be Done." Laura's been planning this party for about a year- partly because that's the way she is but also to giver her something to do to help things out. No wonder it was pretty smooth and all the details were well thought out.
One of the hardest goodbyes for Laura (and probably Rod as well)....
I will say that I was so glad to get back to the land of dry. And I was so glad that I had received an inhaler for the last cold that I got. It was seriously hard to breathe there. There was alot of errands, baking, prep, eating, talking, decorating, sweating, playing, walking, laughing, cleaning, and even a freak intense rain storm the night before the party. But I believe all the goals were accomplished. And that pretty much sums up the Virgina part of things.
So security is very small in Norfolk. I notice that there is a same lady with two little, cute, but a big handful boys and their grandparents are on my flight again. It's a bit harder going through security with young kids, and the littlest one, who happened to be wearing a batman shirt, started crying. One of the security guys said, "Hey man, Batman don't cry!" I wish I knew Batman that well. I mean- how else would he know that?The mom must have had at least a bit of a vacation though- she's super tan now. Ha! There's a lady talking Hunger Games on the phone beside me and I kinda want to jump in to correct some of her statements. Not that I'm a super Hunger Games nerd but I have read the books and I've got this thing when people tell things that are wrong. So I just write about it. lol. So this lady has this interesting book beside me. She keeps falling asleep so I get to read a page or two unnoticed. It's called Praying Effectively for the Lost by Lee E. Thomas. I find this a bit humours due to the fact that I'm missing part of my own church's prayer conference. It intrigues me. So I wasn't supposed to change planes this time but something was wrong at the airport and we had to switch planes. It was all okay because we got to board first and they had to hold everyone for the flight attendants anyways. But oh, let me tell you. I've regretted that plane change ever since. It was by far the worst experience flying ever. Not that there was turbulence. No, I'm all for turbulence. I wish there was more sometimes. You know, crank that epic cello music as you rock along. No, turbulence was not the cause of my distress. It was the fellow in the seat next to me. At first I reconciled his lack of understanding of personal space to a cultural difference. But after the sixth time he drank his ginger ale and rubbed his elbow up the crook of my arm I started getting seriously disturbed. And then there was this whole like hand on the armrest creeping toward my leg that made me jumpy. I was trying to be understanding as I did that whole pull-the-tray-out-and-rest-your-elbows-heavily-on-it-to-squish-his-hand move. But what really put me over was this like slow reach he was doing toward me at the very end. I don't think that was necessarily necessary. In fact I'm pretty sure it wasn't. And when he covertly looks at me out the corner of his eye (no direct eye contact was made) and then pretended indifference every time someone walked by in the isle, well, that just put me over the edge. I spent the last part of the flight sitting sideways in my seat jammed against the window pretending to read my book. At least I know what to do in a situation like that again. But let me tell you, if anything would have happened, even accidentally, that man would not have walked off that plane with a straight nose. It wasn't the greatest end to my travels.
Learning martial arts,
In my defense, may I please add that in that time I have: driven to Denver twice to hang out with Stephanie, watched children multiple times so mother and father could have a few dates, filled out 2 applications in person, 15 online, had an 35 minute interview, a 2 hour group interview, had a prayer conference, gone to 2 different libraries approximately 7 times, did laundry 3 times at the parents house, hung and ordered pics for my mother, completed yet another all-nighter (or rather a partial-nighter), edited photo's from VA for a very anxious young man and his wife, celebrated Mother's Day with the family, gone on a fishing picnic, went camping for a night, dressed up as a super villain, hung out at a garage sale, dug through somewhere between 30 to 80 very interesting old books, went Frisbee throwing at 10pm, broke my computer cord, bought a cheap cord that ended up melting things with the charging box thingy, returned the second broken cord, received a second slightly more expensive computer cord, hung out with a friend I haven't seen in months, went to DIA in pouring rain, had a ladies bible study, put out the church calendar for June, saw a partial eclipse, washed my "brown" dog twice, rebuilt approximately 24 Lego airplanes, started a part-time job for two weeks, got "fired" from the part time job after two weeks, celebrated memorial day, helped weed at my parents house for two days, got sun blisters, had an amazingly crazy 3 year old birthday party, welcomed my sister and her husband to Colorado, started the process of booking my first wedding shoot, and so much more, I'm sure.
So go easy on me.
I've decided to combine the classic "people-watching-in-an-airport-blog with my trip blog. You know, kill two subjects with one blog. You must know that I write airport bogs the moment they are happening. And I have to write them out with a pen, not electronically. Things just come better that way. I don't, however, do this for the time that I'm actually in the state I'm visiting. Otherwise they would probably be cooler.... or maybe they wouldn't... Anywho- enjoy...
I've got to stop doing these early morning flights out of Denver. It's one of the best airports for people watching but these early flights, one, make me way to tired to care about watching, and two, there isn't a ton of people to watch this early. I felt bad about being unsociable and facing the widow so I tried to wake myself up, by whistling. But what song came out of my mouth? Brahms Lullaby. Yep. I'm that cool. So as I was going through security they were checking everyones boarding pass, looking for something specific. That's a comforting thought, no? There isn't much to report on my flight to Midway, other than this person doing a complete bobble head. Oh, yeah, that's me. As we're landing there was a group of people talking and I hear one of the dad's pipe up referring to pacifiers falling on the ground, "With the first one you wash it off and disinfect it, with the second you lick it off, and with the third, you let the dog lick it." I feel the man speaks truth. As we're waiting to get off, all super patiently of course, there was this adorable, bald, round headed little tyke totally flirting with all the guys- raised eyebrows, grunts, coy looks and all.
It must be the time for sports teams to go traveling- I've seen no less than 11 matching tee shirt/ sweats groups pass by. And then there is this large group of college aged kids, guys dressed super nice with ties (no, not the white shirts with black ties, with a name tags pinned neatly to their pocket type of nice) and girls in skirts. I'm closish to MBBC and I so bad want to ask them the reason for the dress. I thought I was going through Saabreen withdrawal when I thought for sure I heard a collar jingle 3 times and couldn't find a dog to fit such noise. But I just heard 7 barks and I don't think humans that are barking in this said manner are allowed to stay long in airports, at least with out close supervision by men dressed in black with dark sunglasses. So I totally forgot to pack a pen in my carry on bag. You would think I would learn. You should see me covertly looking under chairs and in seat pockets for one. When I told mom I forgot a pen she asked if I had a knife so I could write in blood. Ummm....in an airport. Can someone please explain to my mommy why this would most likely not end pretty?? Ha! Just kidding. So I caved and went looking for pens in the airport. What can I say? Boredom and tiredness don't make me wise. But then I didn't feel right buying a $2 pen with a credit card so I got Pink Lemonade and yes, the pen was also pink. Dude, this dog better stop barking- He's making me want to go find him at all costs and I just know if I leave, my seat it will get stolen. It was with great trepidation that I left it to go find a pen. And yes, you better believe that I'm in the kids section watching cartoons (which are mainly super dumb and I don't even know them, except the good ol' Yogi Bear). It sounds a bit racist but I mean it in the nicest way, but you can tell that you're in IL. There's a much higher percentage of African Americans here. And they don't got that sweet southerner accent here. It's definitely like a gangsta twang, and it's oh so hard to remember that I'm from Colorado and I don't have an accent. Pity really. Do you ever kinda want to get a wheel chair, at the airport mainly, although other places might be cool? You get to go to the head of a lot of lines, and I mean, you don't have to walk and get lost. Am I right? Why is it all pilots are old? I mean I guess that means experience, right? Forgive my random musings. I'm kinda weird on no sleep. What's the proper seat manners in an airport? I mean, you give your seat to one elder person, when someone who needs it more just walks up....
Now that it's been so long since I've been there I'm not sure that I remember all of it too well. I do know it was a lot of later nights with earlier mornings. And really it was the mornings that got me, naturally, but it was worse with the 2 hour time difference. And since I don't remember the small details very well now, I will mainly tell of that time with pictures. I'm sure you will enjoy that better than my strange ramblings anywho. So here you go...
This is what happens when you try to frost cupcakes in a professional manner with frosting in a jar (except the other cupcakes that someone made the frosting for us)..... at least that's what happens when I try to do that.
Roderick made a nice little speech at the President's umm... thingy.... that ummm... we went to ummm... on Friday night.... you know before the graduation.... with only family there. What do they call that anywho?? And yes, he received an award too, but my camera was focused the lady's hair in front of me instead of Rod receiving it..whoops. It was nice hair...
So the funny thing about this little balloon arch thing. It was so hot that the balloons kept popping but we never knew when that would happen. It was like having our own fireworks. And this table... we spent all day staging it just right to fit everything perfectly on it. Yes, that's how my sister works.... it's kinda crazy but we love her. ;)Made them pause the mad panic (ha) to get a picture...
Check out these cookies. A friend from "downstairs" made them. And she made the frosting for the cupcakes (which was amazing). And I'm sure she did much more too. She was pretty cool. I mean, check out those cookies. I have to note that the saturation on these pictures is not bumped up. The party was naturally this bright.
I have to say that this table was one of my favorite places to hang out. It was so bright and all the food on it was so awesome. It was a very photogenic table too....
A sampling of the candy table. Every type of candy on the table was specifically chosen by Roderick, as he's kinda picky about the candy he eats. This table didn't have a chance to be "staged" as the time just ran away from us. It was quickly set up just minutes from the start of the party... But I think it was pretty cool... even if we were sweating bullets to get it out there. :)
I mean- how cool is this cupcake???
The theme was "It's So Sweet To Be Done." Laura's been planning this party for about a year- partly because that's the way she is but also to giver her something to do to help things out. No wonder it was pretty smooth and all the details were well thought out.
Yes- my very organized and detail orientated sister even thought of small toys, bubbles, and crayons (all of which matched her color scheme of course) for the small kids coming. I mean- seriously- who thinks of the tiny details like that? She's kinda cool that way.
And then the actual graduation....
The graduate on stage...One of the hardest goodbyes for Laura (and probably Rod as well)....
I will say that I was so glad to get back to the land of dry. And I was so glad that I had received an inhaler for the last cold that I got. It was seriously hard to breathe there. There was alot of errands, baking, prep, eating, talking, decorating, sweating, playing, walking, laughing, cleaning, and even a freak intense rain storm the night before the party. But I believe all the goals were accomplished. And that pretty much sums up the Virgina part of things.
Learning martial arts,
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Complaints Cancellation: I Never Would Have...
7 months and 10 days
That's how long I've been unemployed. Somehow, every month, God has given me just enough to make it through until the next month.
Good paying babysitting jobs with people I've never meet before, through a friend I haven't seen in a long time. A week of substitute work with my old job. Care package from mom saving me from having to buy necessary things for at least a month. A larger than expected tax return. Generous brother and sister-in-law assisting with occasional financial needs. Small photography jobs that have actually paid. House sitting/companion job. Earlier saved "house plan" money. Valentine's day money gift from mom and dad. And so it goes....
How can I??? With that list of what I wouldn't have....... I can't. I just simply can't complain. There is way too many blessings in my life.
Honestly, this isn't where I thought this blog would go. I didn't much know what I was going to write but it certainly wasn't going to be thankfulness for where I am.
Sometimes, life hurts. Sometimes it's just way too much of a bother to struggle through to the next day. Sometimes it's just too stressful to get up and try again. And that's when God shows you all He has done, through and for me. And all you can do is praise Him in the storm, to dance with joy in the rain.
He has so much more in store for me.......
Trusting and leaning- leaning and trusting,
That's how long I've been unemployed. Somehow, every month, God has given me just enough to make it through until the next month.
Good paying babysitting jobs with people I've never meet before, through a friend I haven't seen in a long time. A week of substitute work with my old job. Care package from mom saving me from having to buy necessary things for at least a month. A larger than expected tax return. Generous brother and sister-in-law assisting with occasional financial needs. Small photography jobs that have actually paid. House sitting/companion job. Earlier saved "house plan" money. Valentine's day money gift from mom and dad. And so it goes....
God has shown me just how much He loves me and takes care of, not just my big needs, but my every day small needs. Showing me that I don't have to plan the future to death. That He's the only one that holds my future. I'm SO grateful for where He put me during this time.
If I hadn't quit/ lost my jobs, I never would have been living with Mike and Mindy. I never would have been going to the best church ever. I never would have gotten my crazy, funny Saabreen- at least so soon. I never would have known the feeling of a warm dog head sleeping on my feet and pushing me off the bed. I never would have been a live in nanny for the awesomest kids ever. I never would have the spiritual growth that can only come from trusting God for every single thing in my life. I never would have the awesome quotes that can only come from living in this crazy house. I never would have had the relationship that I now have with my brother and sister-in-law. I never would have had the time for amazing dates with adorable, messy faced children. I never would have had the time for late night bowling or midnight movie showings. I would never had the time to direct a Christmas play. I never would have the maturity I've gained from planning my own life. I never would have the patience or energy to lose 20lbs. I never would have done a ladies bible study. I never would have the relationship that I have with my parents, the occasional visits only being sweeter now. I never would have been able to help friends have a family vacation. I never would have gotten to be the occasional substitute first grade teacher. I never would have learned to be as frugal as I have to be now. I never would have gotten to meet 7 kids in Weld that are so full of energy and yet so much fun. I never would have had fun coming up with creative ways to make dinner out of not much. I never would have this addiction to lattes that I have now. I never would have been able to watch an adorable, mischievous boy learn to speak his mind. I never would have been able to watch a graceful, ADD girl learn ballet. I never would have been able to listen to a rambling, blue eyed squirt giggle uncontrollably. I never would have known how giving my sister-in-law is. I never would have respected and turned to my brother as much. I never would have learned the art of articulating during interviews. I never would have known what it means to give out of my heart rather than my abundance. I never would have giggled with my sister-in-law over silly things like buns. I never would have gotten to know an amazing church family. I never would have had fun during a church business meeting. I never would have gotten to dress up in crazy outfits to be the mascot for football. I never would have been able to go to an all day ladies conference with mom. I never would have been able to poor chocolate over grinning teenagers. I never would have 10-ish kids fondly call me Ti-Ti and not really know my real name. I never would have been able to go to CHESS and eat lunch with "my peeps." I never would have been able to sing the songs I get to sing in church. I never would have blared music and danced wildly with three dance partners. I never would have known how much germs don't really matter in the long run. I never would have known the freedom that comes from just being what God is making me and dropping my false "christian" self. I never would have been able to be a "kind of church secretary." I never would have known how much joy comes from growing closer to the Lord.
And so, even though I long to complain, that it's about time I could start planning my life again, if just my summer, that I certainly have to have money sometime soon, that life is so hard going from interview to interview, putting myself out there just to be turned down, yet one more time, that I can't live on the generosity of family any longer.............How can I??? With that list of what I wouldn't have....... I can't. I just simply can't complain. There is way too many blessings in my life.
Honestly, this isn't where I thought this blog would go. I didn't much know what I was going to write but it certainly wasn't going to be thankfulness for where I am.
Sometimes, life hurts. Sometimes it's just way too much of a bother to struggle through to the next day. Sometimes it's just too stressful to get up and try again. And that's when God shows you all He has done, through and for me. And all you can do is praise Him in the storm, to dance with joy in the rain.
He has so much more in store for me.......
Trusting and leaning- leaning and trusting,
Monday, March 26, 2012
A Classic and Creative Conversation
You know that blog post I promised you that I was thinking about and in the process of writing.... yeah, this isn't it.....
I've been going through my "other room" at "my other home" lately (I hate trying to explain my life at interviews) and have found some very interesting stuff. I get a kick out of reading things that I wrote when I was younger... oh, say when I was only 21. (how young I was then!)
No, but seriously, I've read some down right sassy homework projects (all done by my mother.... just kidding, mom ;)), some laughing-so-hard-I'm-crying ideas that I've read in my diary when I was 12, some really strange and weird memento's that I've kept for 14 years for some unremembered reason. But the best of all this was something I found between my sister and me.
You see, we tend to be a bit on the dramatic side and both of us adore talking to each other in accents- mostly British. This time- through e-mail or some kind of chat- we upped it to Old English Brit. I don't know who wrote what, but both were quite epic.
I leave you to enjoy this memory of mine.....
Sister 1: "Dost thou require an object with which to beguile thyself? Or happens it thus that thou hast many objects which might provide the needful entertainment, but thou peradventure hast chosen to forsake such menial pastimes to pursue the loftier enterprises at hand?"......
Sister 1 (a bit later): "What sayest thy defense, thou painted bean pole, thou infinitesimal flea of a creature? Dost thou not respond to my witty joust, or art thou afrighted by such affrontry? Speak, I say unto thee, for I am not convinced as yet, that thou has proved thyself worthy of such affluent attention."
Sister 2: "Thou are the painted bean pole, thou flea of dogs. Perchance I have pastimes but wish not to do them. As saying in my defense, peradventure these menial things may be such as to bore me even more. Thus I may require more tutoring in the event that loftier studies may elude my thus 'deprived and forsaken mind'... But no matter. I am determined to extend my pursuit to other such extensive boredom. How answerest thou, oh thou droppings of bird, to my 'joust' as thou hast so poorly and inadequately stated? Art thou laying upon the floor in uproarious joviality?"
Sister 1: "Thy rivalry is indeed very gratifying and I am adequately pleased with thy rebute. How speakest thou with such taste? Thy tutorage must have been of some effort. I do not speak of the labor of which I am sure thou hast learned from me. I speak only of thy great wealth of verbatim with which thy rebuttal hast taken me aback. My labors have not fallen unprevailed against, but I have assuredly taught thee all that thou knowest... at the very least."
Sister 2: "Thou art speechless, oh beguiling one? Glad I am that thou hast understood my meaning to the fullest. I am lounging upon the floor in great mirth. Thy labors were poor but well thought. Mayhaps we both have taken effort in the wealth of language we both seem to posses. You are indeed well accomplished in the quotation of such words as to perchance slightly baffle this one of great knowledge, upon my honor. As to the labor which I hast learnt from thee it was a menial amount and not of much consequence. Thou has only taught me the use of such technologies as to review such minute things as the spelling of words to aid the smoothness of reading that this one of generous nature writes to such ants as you, who would embarrass oneself in the nature of skating without proper equipment... and as is most likely the case, no accomplice with whom to sufficiently and properly do it. If only one of loving and adequate beauty were there to help in this superior pursuit."
I think this was when one of us was at college and the other was at home.... maybe. But at the very least, I hope you are "lounging upon the floor in great mirth."
In uproarious joviality,
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Collegiate Connotations
My deepest apologies for neglecting you so long.... I could say that I've been super busy planning my bungee jump from the Storms River Bridge, or that I've been caught up in planning my tour of the world, or even that I was so booked with extra cello rehearsals for the piano guys, but the real truth is...... I don't really have a good excuse.
And so I'm going to give you a super easy recipe with minimal pictures that you don't even really need the recipe for to make up for it...... wait..... that doesn't really.... okay so....... that sounded more exciting in my head........ so ummm....... yeah.....
This recipe reminds me of school. Oh, the fond memories I have of eating 2 of these with a cup of very sugary cappuccino just chillaxing with some friends.
It's probably the only food that I really remember from school.... except the epic peanut butter milkshakes. Oh, and the amazing dairy days with the pastries. So apparently the only food memories I have are filled with sugar. What can I say- I was in college and had to do something to stay awake all day.... and night.
So here you go: Peanut Butter/ Frosted Flake Treat/ Bar-ish Things (catchy title, right?)
Start with 1 cup corn syrup
Add 1 cup white sugar
Put this on the stove to heat up
Pour this over the corn flakes
And so I'm going to give you a super easy recipe with minimal pictures that you don't even really need the recipe for to make up for it...... wait..... that doesn't really.... okay so....... that sounded more exciting in my head........ so ummm....... yeah.....
This recipe reminds me of school. Oh, the fond memories I have of eating 2 of these with a cup of very sugary cappuccino just chillaxing with some friends.
It's probably the only food that I really remember from school.... except the epic peanut butter milkshakes. Oh, and the amazing dairy days with the pastries. So apparently the only food memories I have are filled with sugar. What can I say- I was in college and had to do something to stay awake all day.... and night.
So here you go: Peanut Butter/ Frosted Flake Treat/ Bar-ish Things (catchy title, right?)
Start with 1 cup corn syrup
Add 1 cup white sugar
Put this on the stove to heat up
Measure out 5 cups of corn flakes (mine where frosted corn flakes- I just needed a bit more sugar, you know) Set aside
Add 2 cups smooth peanut butter (unless you are into that different texture that crunchy peanut butter will give you)
Stir into the boiling syrup and sugar mixture (so apparently I was all about my bracelet this day- all I have is pictures with the bracelet in focus. You have to admit- it is quite the nice bracelet. Wonder where I put it?)Pour this over the corn flakes
Saabreen's reaction to my professional manner in which I juggle the camera, spoon, and pan.
I added a bit of chocolate for decoration on top
And there you have it. Simple. Easy. And ummm..... Short?
Collaborating a longer blog in my head for next time,
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Cherising Conjugality: Mr. & Mrs. Saxon
Yes...... it's true. This is really happening. You aren't just dreaming. 6 months and 12 days later, you finally get to see pictures from Jenni and Lance's wedding.
See I had to give them to Jenni before I could post them to facebook or blog about them.... cause that's just rude if I don't let the "client" see them first....... it just took a while for me to get *all* of them to Jenni and Lance. Yes, all of them is the key in that sentence. She has seen a few of them trickling her way since the wedding. And for Valentine's Day she got the official CD.....
And that means......... y'all get to see them..... for real..........
And that means......... y'all get to see them..... for real..........
Promising to try and get photos out sooner,
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